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Version: 5.4

Summary Service


Diese Entität enthält die Zusammenfassung über der Arbeitszeit pro Tag.

UserProfileDtoUserTimePunch Profile for that the entity contains the daily summary.
DateTimeDateDate for that the daily summary has been retrieved.
DateTime?LogonTimeEarliest start time
DateTime?LogoffTimeLatest end time
StringDescriptionManual descriptions
DoubleEstimatedWorktimeAmount of the estimated working time
DoubleEstimatedPaidtimeAmount of the estimated paid time (this can vary because of the leave payment)
DoubleWorktimeReal logged working time
DoubleSickSick time
DoubleSickAsDaysSick time per day. e.g. 1 equals 1 day, 0.5 equals half day
DoubleTakenOvertimeTaken overtime
DoubleTakenOvertimeAsDaysTaken overtime per day. e.g. 1 equals 1 day, 0.5 equals half day
DoublePaidLeaveAmount of leave that gets paid to the user
DoubleLeaveTime booked as leave
DoubleLeaveAsDaysTime booked as leave. e.g. 1 equals 1 day, 0.5 equals half day
DoubleBreaktimeBreak between working times
DoubleBankHolidayTime at bank holidays that are relevant for payment on public holidays.
DoubleBankHolidayAsDaysTime at bank holidays per day. e.g. 1 equals 1 day, 0.5 equals half day
DoubleSpecialLeaveTime that is booked as a special leave.
DoubleSpecialLeaveAsDaysTime booked as special leave per day.
TimeEntryTypeUsageThe main time entry usage of the day. Valid values are Worktime, DrivingTime, Leave, Sickness, TakeOvertime, SpecialLeave, OfficialBankHoliday, Weekend, Weekday, MissingWorkday
DoublePaidSickPaid sick time, that can differ from real sick time (13 weeks average)
DoublePaidBankHolidayPaid bank holiday time, that can differ from real bank holiday time (13 weeks average)
DoubleShortTimeWorkShort time work of the current workday
DoubleRemoteWorkRemote work time of the current workday
DoubleRemoteWorkAsDaysRemote work time per day . e.g. 1 equals 1 day, 0.5 equals half day
DoubleMorningSurchargeTimeSurcharged morning shift time of the current workday
DoubleEveningSurchargeTimesurcharged evening shift time of the current workday


Mit Hilfe dieses DTOs können die Rahmenbedingungen zum Berechnen der monatlichen Arbeitszeit gesetzt werden.

GuidIdUnique ID of the monthly summary
DateTimeDateDate of the month that shall be saved
WorkContractWorkContractType of work contract for the user. Employee = 0 Freelancer = 1 Wageworker = 2 Shiftworker = 3
Double?PaidTimeThe amount of time that the user gets paid, NULL if the amount gets calculated
CountryDtoCountryThe country information used for the holiday calculation.
RegionDtoRegionThe region information used for the holiday calculation.
OvertimeCutModeOvertimeCutModeThe cut mode defines if the overtime shall be cut monthly, cumulative or even not cut.
DoubleOvertimeStartsAtAmount of additional working time that is included in the working contract. Starting at this number, the working time is called overtime.
BoolExceptionForMinus WorkingTimeAccountTrue, if there is an exception for overtime starting if the users working time account is negative
DoubleMaximumOvertimeThe maximum amount of overtime that a user can have in the OvertimeCutMode range.
BoolIsOvertimeAboveLimitPaidTrue, if the amount of overtime that exceeds the maximum overtime shall be paid out.
DoublePaidOvertimePaid out overtime. Either manually input or calculated.
DoubleDecreasePaidTimeThe value will decrease the payout
DoubleMissingHourCompensationUsed to compensate missing overtime.

MonthlySummaryDto : MonthlySummarySaveDto

Diese Klasse enthält die Zusammenfassung der Arbeitszeitdaten für einen bestimmten Monat.

UserProfileDtoUserUser profile for that the monthly summary has been created.
BoolLockedTrue, if the current month has been locked.
DoubleEstimatedWorktimeDefines the estimated working time for the user.
DoubleEstimatedPaidtimeDefines the estimated paid time for the user.
DoubleWorktimeReal logged working time
Double?PreviousOvertimeOvertime of the previous month.
Double?OvertimeOvertime of the current month.
Double?CalculatedOvertimeGets the originally calculated overtime
Double?TakenOvertimeTaken overtime of the current month
Double?TotalOvertimeTotal overtime at the end of the month.
DoubleBreaktimeAmount of breaktime in the month.
DoubleDrivetimeAmount of driving time in the month.
DoubleSparetimeAmount of spare time (it’s the time that the user has been taken off – regardless what reason) in the month.
DoubleLeaveAmount of leave in the current month.
DoubleLeaveAsDaysAmount of days that the user has been booked as Leave.
DoublePaidLeaveAmount of leave that gets paid, this can vary from the leave the user has taken.
DoubleSickCompleteAmount of sick time and sick not paid hours
DoubleSickCompleteAsDaysAmount of sick time and sick not paid days
DoubleSickAmount of sick in the current month.
DoubleSickAsDaysAmount of days that the user has been booked as Sickness.
DoubleSickNotPaidAmount of sick time that is not paid
DoubleSickNotPaidAsDaysAmount of sick days that are not paid
DoubleBankHolidayTime at bank holidays that are relevant for payment on public holidays.
DoubleBankHolidayAsDaysTime at bank holidays per day. e.g. 1 equals 1 day, 0.5 equals half day
DoubleSpecialLeaveAmount of special leave the user has taken
DoubleSpecialLeaveAsDaysAmount of special leave the user has taken in days
DoubleUnpaidTimeThe unpaid time is the difference of the paid time to the regular working time
DoublePaidSickPaid sick time, that can differ from real sick time (13 weeks average)
DoublePaidBankHolidayPaid bank holiday time, that can differ from real bank holiday time (13 weeks average)
DoubleShortTimeWorkNumber of short-time work hours in month
DoubleNightSurchargeCoreTimeAmount of night surcharged core time in month
DoubleNightSurchargeTimeAmount of night surcharged time in month
DoubleNightSurchargeTimeCompleteAmount of night surcharged complete time in month = core + non core
DoubleSaturdayWorkTimeAmount of saturday worktime in month = Am + Pm
DoubleSundayWorkTimeAmount of sunday worktime in month
DoublePublicHolidayWorkTimeAmount of public holiday worktime in month
DoubleSaturdayWorkTimeAmAmount of saturday worktime AM
DoubleSaturdayWorkTimePmAmount of saturday worktime PM
DoubleCutTimeAmount of cutted time
DoubleRemoteWorkAmount of remote work time
DoubleRemoteWorkAsDaysAmount of remote work days
DoubleMorningSurchargeTimeAmount of surcharged morning shift time
DoubleEveningSurchargeTimeAmount of surcharged evening shift time


Diese Klasse enthält die Suchparameter für das Finden von Monatsabschlüssen.

UserFilteringUserFilteringEnumeration that specifies user filter (CurrentUser=0, AllUser=1, SelfDefined=2)
Guid[]UserIdsIf user filtering is set to self defined, this property specifies the user ids.
TimeFrameFilteringTimeFrameFilteringEnumeration of the time frame to search the monthly summaries (AllEntries=0, UserDefined=1, CurrentMonth=2, CurrentYear=3, PreviousMonth=4, PreviousYear=5, Last3Month=6, Last6Month=7)
DateTime?StartReportingStart date for searching monthly summaries. Will be used if Time frame filter is set to user defined.
DateTime?EndReportingEnd date for searching monthly summaries. Will be used if time frame filter is set to user defined.
DateTime?LastCalculationTimeSearches for summaries that are older than the last calculation time.


Diese Klasse enthält alle Daten des Monatsabschlusses.

UserProfileDtoUserTimePunch User Profile
DateTime?LockedUpToDate until that the user summary has been closed.


Diese Klasse enthält zusammenfassende Arbeitszeitdaten zum aktuellen TimePunch Profil.

UserProfileDtoUserTimePunch User Profile
DoubleWorktimeInMonthWork time in the given month
DoubleSickDaysInYearNumber of sick days in the given year
Double?TotalOvertimeUntilTodayAmount of overtime in sum until the current day
DoublePlannedLeaveDaysInYearPlanned leave days in the current year
Double?UnplannedLeaveDaysInYearNumber of holidays the user did not planned, within in the current year.
Double?AnnualLeaveDaysNumber of holidays in the current year.
TimeCutAnalyseTimeCutAnalyseDefines if a time cut did take place, or if it is foreseeable. NoCut = 0, Foreseeable = 1, Cutted = 2
WorkContractWorkContractWorkcontract of the user
LeaveCalculationLeaveCalculationDefines the leave calculation in days or hours
doublePlannedLeaveInYearPlanned leave hours in the current year
double?UnplannedLeaveInYearAmount of holidays that the user did not planned within the current year
double?AnnualLeaveAmount of holidays in the current year
double?WeeklyWorkingTimeAmount of the weekly working time in the current week


Dieses DTO wird dazu genutzt, um die jährliche Urlaubsberechnung anzupassen.

GuidIdUnique ID of the yearly summary
IntYearThe year for that the summary is valid
LeaveCarryForwardLeaveCarryForwardDefines the month, when the remaining leave will carried forward to the next year.
LeaveExpirationLeaveExpirationDefines the month, when the previous leave will expire in the current calculation period.
DoubleAnnualLeaveAsDaysThe amount of leave days in the given year.
Double?AnnualLeaveThe amount of leave hours in the given year, NULL if the leave gets calculated in days.
DoubleLeavePerDayDefines the amount of hours that will be calculated for a taken leave day
LeaveCalculationLeaveCalculationDefines if the leave will be calculated in days or hours Days = 0 Hours = 1

YearlySummaryDto : YearlySummarySaveDto

Dieses DTO enthält alle Informationen zur Anzeige des jährlichen Urlaubskontos. Die Klasse ist von YearlySaveSummaryDto abgeleitet.

UserProfileDtoUserThe user for which the summary data is loaded.
DateTimeStartDateThe first date in the calculation period.
DateTimeLastDateThe last date in the calculation period.
BoolLockedTrue, if the yearly summary has been locked. That is the case if one month in the calculation period has been locked. So it will be set indirectly.
DateTimeLeaveExpirationDateDefines the date when the previous leave will expire.
DoubleLeaveInYear UntilExpirationAmount of leave hours in the current year until the expiration date.
DoubleLeaveAsDaysInYear UntilExpirationAmount of leave days in the current year until the expiration date.
DoubleLeaveInYear NewPeriodAmount of leave hours in the current year after the expiration date.
DoubleLeaveAsDaysInYear NewPeriodAmount of leave days in the current year after the expiration date.
DoubleLeaveInYearAmount of leave hours in the current calculation period.
DoubleLeaveAsDaysInYearAmount of leave days in the current calculation period.
DoubleSickCompleteAsDaysInYearAmount of sick days in year and sick days not paid in year
DoubleSickNotPaidAsDaysInYearAmount of days marked as sickness not paid in the current calculation period.
DoubleSickAsDaysInYearAmount of days marked as sickness in the current calculation period.
Double?RemainingLeave UntilExpirationAmount of remaining leave hours until the expiration date.
DoubleRemainingLeaveAsDays UntilExpirationAmount of remaining leave days until the expiration date.
Double?RemainingLeave NewPriodAmount of remaining leave hours after the expiration date.
DoubleRemainingLeaveAsDays NewPeriodAmount of remaining leave days after the expiration date.
Double?AdditionalLeaveThe additional leave hours of the previous year that will be added to the current annual leave hours.
DoubleAdditionalLeaveAsDaysThe additional leave days of the previous year that will be added to the current annual leave days.
LeaveCalculationPreviousLeaveCalculationThe leave calculation of the previous year.
DoublePreviousLeavePerDayThe previous leave hours that defined the length of a leave day.